Hey all,

Great human rights event going on today, organised by Multicultural Arts Victoria.

“Supported by the City of Melbourne, Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, Signal and Arts Centre Melbourne, the series of events will immerse us in human rights through the minds of the young expressed through their own voices and the imagination of street and contemporary live artists.”

Monday December 10, 12:30-2pm, Signal, FREE

Anti-Hate Campaign Launch – to tackle hate head on

“MAV in partnership with the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission will officially launch the AntiHate Campaign to mark International Human Rights Day.

Anti-Hate is a website (www.antihate.vic.gov.au) that encourages people to no longer tolerate hate in the community. It offers a place to report your experiences, share good tips on how to fight discrimination and tools to spray out hate online. Performers on the day will liven up the formalities, bringing Couch World to life!”



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